Coal Mining

| Intelek Australia is involved in several coal mine projects. These are located in the Hunter Valley and Central Queensland.
Intelek is involved in upgrades to existing Coal Preparation Plants, as well as being instrumental in bringing a number of new Coal Preparation Plants online.
These projects include:
Washeries - both new and existing
Coal handling and overland conveyor networks
Stackers and reclaimers
Reclaim tunnels
Train loaders
Water and Waste Water

Intelek is involved in upgrading several existing Water and Waste Water plants for Local Government.
We have been instrumental in implementing telemetry networks spanning hundreds of outstations, bringing real-time data back to a SCADA monitoring system. Data is collected and safely stored in a database. Alarms are recorded and sent by email and/or SMS to plant operators.
Sporting Field Lighting and Automation

Intelek is involved in automating new and existing sporting fields. The facilities automated range from main field flood lighting, to sprinkler systems, to general building power and access control.
Field users are issued electronic keys or RFID tags. Usage times are allocated to each user, and certain field permissions are given. Users are able to use the field only during their alloted times, and only those facilities they are granted permission to use. Usage is recorded and accurately billed to each user.